3D Tomography
Pioneered by the Barnett group, 3D reconstructions of SOCs using focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy or X-ray tomography allow us determine the structural properties such as triple phase boundary line density, particle size, and surface area. We serially image 2D cross sections and use our in-house algorithms to reconstruct the 3D microstructure of our electrodes.
Nanoparticle Infiltration and Exsolution
Using a wet-chemical infiltration technique, we can create a nanoparticle network with ultra-high surface areas for high performance electrodes. Under certain conditions, we can form nanoparticles in-situ through an exsolution process to achieve a similar high active surface area. Through these processes, we have developed some of the highest performing electrodes in the world.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
We use electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to analyze the operation of our cells by fitting equivalent circuits to the electrochemical processes in our cells. EIS is especially powerful when coupled with other techniques, such as FIB-SEM and ICP-OES, to gain insight on how certain electrochemical and structural processes affect performance and degradation.
Degradation Phenomena
Solid oxide cells have expected operational times over 50,000 hours, and even a minor instability can compound over time and lead to cell failure. Common degradation phenomena that we investigate are delamination of the electrode from the electrolyte, chemical reactivity, coarsening, and cation surface segregation.

Atomic Layer Deposition
We use atomic layer deposition (ALD) to deposit conformal coatings inside the porous electrode. Depending on the application, we select catalytic materials to improve SOC performance, or we select materials to prevent degradation from coarsening of high-performance nano-structured electrodes.
3D Printed SOCs
SOC performance is highly dependent on the micro and macrostructure that influences gas diffusion losses and mechanical stability. By developing 3D printed geometries, we can tailor the structures to minimize performance losses in a scalable manner.

Dual Atmosphere Pressure Rig
Our custom pressure chamber allows for a dual atmosphere operation on either electrode with pressures up to 10 atm and temperatures up to 800 °C. Under these conditions, we can unlock improved performance and stability previously unseen at standard atmospheric pressure.