Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Office: Cook 3061
Phone: (847) 491-5949
Email: samuelmiller2018@u.northwestern.edu
2013-2018 Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
2009-2013 B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Alfred University
Thesis: Materials by Design: A Combined Computational and Experimental Approach to Thermoelectrics
I work on a project that uses a physics based semi-empirical model to predict properties of known materials in an effort to find new thermoelectric materials. I worked on building the original model as well as implemented changes to significantly improve the lattice thermal conductivity model so that it is accurate to within a factor of 1.5 across four orders of magnitude. Experimentally, I’ve worked on complex oxides and layered chalcogenides based on predictions from the semi-empirical model.